Behind the Scenes vLog: Photographing Jamie Graham Fabrics

Jeremy here. 

Drop to the bottom of the post and press play if you would like to leap to the vLog. 

Otherwise, read on: 

I've been doing video professionally since 2003. 

After Tina joined my company back in 2008 or 2009, we video logged (or vLog'd) many of our work experiences. Back in 2011 or so, when we started sharing studio space with Bill Whitmire, I continued doing it as much as possible. 

For whatever reason – circa 2013 – I couldn't find time to vLog with our company's rebrand to Wittefini. Probably because we were concentrating a lot of effort on picking up new accounts with mainly interiors or portrait needs. 

Through some self reflection, some inspiration from other vLoggers, and a couple requests from colleagues, I've decided to start vLogging again.



Just because.

Because it's fun. 

Because experiences – once had – are gone. Gone forever. Vlogging is an incredible way to document memories, either professional or personal or both. 

Since Wittefini experiences are a merging of professional and personal, it makes sense to attempt to capture our story, if for no other reason but for ourselves. 

If you want to follow along, that's awesome. Please do. But it's not my motivation. I realize there is a level of conceit involved here. Narcissism even. Who cares about our lives? 

There's an undeniable level of pompous vulnerability to artistry, and -- good or bad -- art means putting yourself out there. 

This process will be to keep track of our lives, our progress, and quite frankly, our process of aging. How we looked 10 years ago, now and 10 years in the future will change over time. I, quite frankly, want to see it. 

I also want to do it to develop my story-telling ability. Via investments and declaration, we're amp'ing up our video game. For the past 5 years, we've concentrated on photography and it shows in our portfolio. My roots were in motion picture, and right now, our projects are 75% photography and 25% video. My goal is to create an equilibrium of equal parts photo and video. 

I also want to do it as a self-introspection. I get the idea that if I'm constantly trying to tell our story, it encourages a sort of honest reflection that may be lost to life's fast pace if not captured and retold in this way. 

Enjoy our first return to vLogging below. It's a behind the scenes video featuring a recent shoot for Jamie Graham Fabrics

I'm hoping to produce a vLog per week, if not more. We'll see how that goes. They will post here on our blog.


#Team #Wittefini